Weather: Temperature 5.9° (2.2° higher than normal), min. -3°, max. 12°, min. over preceding two weeks is -7°. Wind speed 13.7 km/hour. Precipitation 0.0 mm, preceding two weeks 123% normal, preceding two months 114% normal.
Pores of Fragrant Bracket fungus (Trametes suaveolens mushroom) taken from Yuntolovsky Park. Saint Petersburg, Russia, April 9, 2017
Pores of prostrate form of hairy bracket mushrooms (Trametes hirsuta)(?) taken from a fallen willow in Yuntolovsky Park. Saint Petersburg, Russia, April 9, 2017
Hymenophore of corticioid form of hairy bracket mushrooms (Trametes hirsuta)(?) taken from a fallen willow in Yuntolovsky Park. Saint Petersburg, Russia, April 9, 2017