Synonyms: Agaricus columbetta, Agaricus impolitus, Gyrophila columbetta, Gyrophila impolita, Tricholoma impolitum.
Common name: blue spot knight.
Russian names: Ryadovka golubinaya, Ryadovka sizovataya.
Extract from Wikipedia article: Tricholoma columbetta, commonly known as dove-coloured tricholoma, is an edible mushroom of the large genus Tricholoma. It is found in Europe, where it is eaten in France.
Tricholoma columbetta is a species of mushroom found in St. Petersburg, Leningrad Oblast, and north-western Russia. It typically grows in coniferous and mixed forests, often with spruce and pine trees. The cap is 3-6 cm in diameter, grayish-brown to pale brown, and sometimes has a bluish tint. The gills are white to cream-colored, and the stem is cylindrical, white to pale grayish-brown. Fruitings occur from July to October, with peak abundance in August and September. In north-western Russia, Tricholoma columbetta is considered a common species, often found in moist, fertile soils with abundant needle litter.
Observations of Tricholoma columbetta were made in Leningrad Oblast and north-western Russia. The fungus was found near Kavgolovskoe Lake, 12 miles north of Saint Petersburg, on September 20, 2013. Additional sightings occurred east of a train stop near Semrino, south of Saint Petersburg, on August 10, 2024. In this location, the mushrooms were found under spruce trees in a forest, with a large number of specimens observed. The fungus was also seen in the same area, confirming its presence in the region. The observations suggest that Tricholoma columbetta can be found in wooded areas with spruce trees in north-western Russia, particularly during late summer and early fall. Multiple sightings in the same location indicate a potentially abundant population of the fungus in this area.
Russian web-forums Planeta Gribov, V Kontakte, and Griby Sredney Polosy for learning names of local mushrooms.
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