Synonym: Nannfeldtiella aggregata.
Russian names: Psevdombrofila aggregata, Nannfeldtiella skuchennaya.
Pseudombrophila aggregata is a species of fungus in the family Pyronemataceae. It is a small, disc-shaped fungus that grows on moist soil and decaying plant material. In St. Petersburg, Leningrad Oblast, and north-western Russia, Pseudombrophila aggregata has been found to fruit in late summer and early autumn, typically in areas with rich soil and high humidity, such as forests, meadows, and marshes. The fungus is relatively rare in the region, but can be locally abundant in suitable habitats.
Observations of Pseudombrophila aggregata were made in Leningrad Oblast and north-western Russia. The fungus was found to fruit in association with other fungi, including Byssonectria terrestris. Notably, both species were observed on display at the Peter the Great Botanical Garden of Komarov Botanical Institute in Saint Petersburg, Russia, on May 24, 2019. The Pseudombrophila aggregata appeared as brown cup mushrooms, while the Byssonectria terrestris displayed orange cups. This sighting suggests that Pseudombrophila aggregata can be found in cultivated environments, such as botanical gardens, in addition to its natural habitats. Further observations are needed to fully understand the distribution and ecology of this species in the region. The presence of Pseudombrophila aggregata in Leningrad Oblast and north-western Russia highlights the diversity of fungal species in the area.
Russian web-forums Planeta Gribov, V Kontakte, and Griby Sredney Polosy for learning names of local mushrooms.
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