Synonyms: Agaricus intermedius, Agaricus scrobiculatus, Galorrheus scrobiculatus, Lactifluus scrobiculatus.
Common name: spotted milkcap.
Russian names: Gruzd zhioltyy, Podgruzd zhioltyy, Grib podskriobysh, Volnukha zhioltaya, Gruzd yamchatyy.
Extract from Wikipedia article: Lactarius scrobiculatus, commonly known as the scrobiculate milk cap, is a basidiomycete fungus, belonging to the genus Lactarius, whose members are called "milk caps." Taxonomy places this species into subgenus Piperites, section Zonarii, subsection Scrobiculati. The distinctive fruiting bodies of this large fungus are locally common in forests throughout Europe and North America. It is regarded as inedible by some authors, but it is nevertheless eaten in parts of Europe.
Russian web-forums Planeta Gribov, V Kontakte, and Griby Sredney Polosy for learning names of local mushrooms.
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