Synonym: Geastrum minus.
Common name: rayed earthstar.
Russian names: Zvezdovik chetyriokhlopastnyy, Zvezdovik chetyriokhrazdelnyy, Geastrum chetyriokhlopastnyy, Zemlyanaya zvezda chetyriokhlopastnaya.
Extract from Wikipedia article: Geastrum quadrifidum, commonly known as the rayed earthstar or four-footed earthstar, is an inedible species of mushroom belonging to the genus Geastrum, or earthstar fungi. First described scientifically by Christian Hendrik Persoon in 1794, G. quadrifidum is a cosmopolitan—but not common—species of Europe, the Americas, Africa, Asia, and Australasia. The fungus is a saprobe, feeding off decomposing organic matter present in the soil and litter of coniferous forests.
Russian web-forums Planeta Gribov, V Kontakte, and Griby Sredney Polosy for learning names of local mushrooms.
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