Synonyms: Bovista brevicauda, Bovista ovalispora, Bovista suberosa, Endonevrum suberosum, Globaria plumbea, Lycoperdon bovista, Lycoperdon plumbeum, Lycoperdon suberosum.
Common names: tumbling puffball, grey puffball.
Russian names: Porkhovka svintsovo-seraya, Chiortov tabak, Dozhdevik svintsovyy.
Extract from Wikipedia article: Bovista plumbea, commonly known as the tumbling puffball, tumbleball, or paltry puffball, is a small puffball mushroom commonly found in Western Europe and California, white when young and greyish in age. Easily confused with immature Bovista dermoxantha, it is attached to the substrate by a tuft of mycelium.
Russian web-forums Planeta Gribov, V Kontakte, and Griby Sredney Polosy for learning names of local mushrooms.
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