Synonyms: Cantharellus cupulatus, Cantharellus helvelloides, Leptoglossum rickenii, Leptotus rickenii, Omphalia helvelloides, Omphalia muralis, Omphalina cupulata, Omphalina rickenii, Omphalina rustica, Phaeotellus rickenii.
Russian name: Arreniya Rikena.
Arrhenia rickenii is a small to medium-sized, pale brown to greyish-brown fungus with a wavy or lobed cap and slender stem. In St. Petersburg and Leningrad Oblast, it typically grows on mosses, soil, and decaying plant material in coniferous and mixed forests. In north-western Russia, it has been found in similar habitats, including bogs and heathlands, often fruiting from June to September. The fungus is considered rare in the region, but can be locally common in suitable areas with high humidity and acidic soils.
Observations of the fungus Arrhenia rickenii in Leningrad Oblast and north-western Russia revealed its presence in areas affected by fires. On an old fire site near Kuzmolovo, it was found on barren soil, growing alone or alongside Cotylidia undulata. The fungus was also observed on slightly mossy sites and charred soil of old house fires, often in association with other species like Tephrocybe atrata. In one instance, Arrhenia rickenii was found among charred wood, indicating its ability to thrive in disturbed environments. These sightings suggest that Arrhenia rickenii can colonize a variety of substrates and coexist with other fungi in fire-affected areas. The observations were made on September 24, 2017, near Saint Petersburg, providing insight into the ecological preferences of this species in north-western Russia.
Russian web-forums Planeta Gribov, V Kontakte, and Griby Sredney Polosy for learning names of local mushrooms.
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