Weather: Temperature 4.2° (1.8° lower than normal), min. 2°, max. 6°, min. over preceding two weeks is 3°. Wind speed 10.0 km/hour. Precipitation 0.0 mm, preceding two weeks 38% normal, preceding two months 99% normal.
Winter mushrooms (velvet foot, Flammulina velutipes) on Zakharov Island in Gatchina Park. Gatchina, a suburb of Saint Petersburg, Russia, October 12, 2016 Unnamed Road, Leningradskaya oblast', Russia, 188307
Honey mushrooms Armillaria borealis(?) in Gatchina Park. Gatchina, a suburb of Saint Petersburg, Russia, October 12, 2016 Krasnoarmeyskiy pr., 1А, Gatchina, Leningradskaya oblast', Russia, 188307
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